Dance Beat Magazine - March 2025

Professional American Smooth at Capital

Report by Diana McDonald
Photos by Ryan Kenner Photography

The Open Professional Smooth at Capital Dancesport Championships was one of the premier events of the weekend.  This event start as a quarter final and gave the judges a very hard job to come up with this 7 couple final.

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Fame and Fortune came to Capital!

Report by Didio Barrera
Photos by Ryan Kenner Photography

This year with over 8,000 entries, it was the most successful business year for the Capital Dancesport, but it was not all about the entries, some of the most prominent couples from America’s dancing scene were in attendance and so combined with great attendance and a fabulous audience it was a very special year for the Capital Dancesport.

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The Dance World’s Best Kept Secret

By Ilia Kolosov, Dance Beat Staff

Whoever said “Never miss a chance to dance” must have been attending the adult ballroom dance camp at BYU at some point in the past.

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Fred Astaire World Championships – Open Pro Smooth

Report by Taliat Tarsinov
Photos by Park West

Fourteen couples took part in this competition.

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Memories from the past and present at the Killick!

Report by Didio Barrera
Photos by Ryan Kenner Photography

I have not been to the Boca Raton Hotel in quite a while but this hotel brings lots of memories since I competed professionally for the first time at this hotel and it was with the Fred Astaire organization.

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