Dance Beat Magazine - March 2025

Youth Open Latin Scholarship at the 2015 American Star Ball Championships

Report by Steven Mesh
Photos by Lisa Dubinsky

On Sunday, May 17th Atlantic City was on fire with some of the best and hottest Latin dancers in the country competing at the beautiful and prestigious American Star Ball.

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Yankee Classic 2015 New England World Masters
Professional Open International Latin

Report by Rozana Sweeney
Photos by Ryan Kenner Photography

The Yankee Classic, one of the top competitions in the country, was held this year again high with energy and excitement.

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Amateur Latin, British Open Dance Festival 2015

Report by Vibeke Toft
Photos by Mark Gadsden & Fredric Frennessen

The Amateur Latin Championship is always greatly anticipated as this commences the battle of giants taking place during the last 4 days of this spectacular festival.

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Blackpool Exhibition Competition 2015

Report by James Peters
Photos by Fredric Frennesson

The Exhibition Division began in 1952 with thirteen couple competing. 

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The Crown Jewel of Dancesport Championships
A Triple Crown Event
Report by Susan Silva
Photos by Decadance Photography, Tony Eng

“You are the jewels in our crown”, is the statement written on the welcome page letter of the program by Larry and Dianne Dean. 

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