Colorado Star Ball 2014
21 Jun 2014Our Sponsors
Embassy Ball US Terpsichore Northcoast Ballroom Champs
Smooth or Latin?
The last day at the Colorado Star Ball Championships was a combination of Ballroom and Latin during the day but the best professional event of the week for us was the Smooth Open Championship. As is customary here in Colorado the Open Professional Latin final was interchanged between the Smooth dances, but there was no competition here for us, the Smooth was the best hands down.
Three very exciting couples for us made the Open Professional Smooth nail biting: Nick Cheremukhim & Viktorija, Mikolaj Czarneki & Vicktoria Malko and Kyle & Allie Spinder, all three with very different styles and very capable and ready for the task. In the end all four dances went to Nick & Viktorija, who were in our opinion and those around me, fabulous. Their musicality and artistic interpretation of each dance left you breathless and on this performance they really stole our heart. Second in all dances went to Mikolaj & Victoria, a very promising partnership with huge talent but on this outing we felt they could not challenge. Unlike Nick & Viktorija their dancing still looked a little green in places, but we are sure they will be challenging soon once their material has ripened a bit. Third in all dances went to perhaps the most picture perfect performance, that of Kyle & Allie. They sported a very free spirit look and went out on the floor with a take no prisoners attitude. In the first round we felt they might have a chance for the top but once in the final for us their performance lacked innovation. With a little more experimenting and finding their style this couple could easily find themselves on the very top of the list, their competitive skills are terrific.
The rest of the final was not as eye catching but all three couples were very capable and worth a mention, Fourth place overall wen to Marko Urosevic & Asley Mokris (4,4,4,5), fifth were Christopher & April Muller (5,5,5,4) and in sixth place was Kyle & Christina Campbell who placed sixth in every dance.
The Pro Latin had three entries and for us and we believe the judges it was clear cut. First went to Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova and they placed first in all dances, second was Sergiy Kvashyn & Olga Ginzburg and third place was awarded to Gene & Elena Bersten, we will tell you how we saw them in the full article of the Colorado Star Ball here very soon.
The Professional Showdance was also run this evening and this went to Kyle & Allie Spinder, second was awarded to Michas Belfer & Julie Garczynki leaving third position to Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova.
Out of the two styles run this day of Pro/Am competitions the best scholarships for us were in the Ballroom category. The “B” Ballroom had the most entries and here we missed Beverly Moore who pulled out of the competition due to injury, this left top placement fully open and this placement wen to Lily Chang w/Sergey Kiselev they took all firsts. Second went to Michaelle Peng w/Mikhail Avdeev (3,2,2,2,2) and third was awarded to Nadia Tippet w/Yuriy Kravets (4,3,4,3,3).
The “A” division was also excellent with five couples competing for top position. In the end Sabine Blyth w/Giacomo Agrello took all firsts, Sabrina Zagolin w/Yuriy Kravets placed second (3,2,2,2,2) and Grace Wang w/Mikhail Avdeev was third (2,3,3,3,3).
There were four couples in the “C” and this went to Nadia Tippet w/Yuriy Kravets with all firsts. Samantha Sheer w/Jari Muller took all seconds and Susan Lowe w/David Aanestad was third.
The Pro/Am Open Latin Scholarships were all very small. In the “B” three couples competed and here Liz Rocco w/Eric Hudson took first in all dances, Dawn Mersich w/Brad Ackerman was second and Lauren LaPointe w/Louis Bar placed third. The “A” and “C” had two couples. In the “C” Michael Roybar w/Kristina Poole placed first by wining three dances and placing second in the rest, Patricia Duran w/Ross Pearce were second and they won these two dances. The “A” was won by Dawn Mersich w/Brad Ackerman first in all dances and Lauren LaPointe w/Louis Bar were second.
It’s a Smoothie!
It was a Smoothie day at the Colorado Star Ball Championships and it went without a hitch. The day was concluded, as the day before, with scholarships in all levels for the Smooth style and in the Professional events the Open Professional Rhythm and Ballroom Colorado Champions were selected.
As in the professional Rising Stars the night before the Rhythm categories had the most entries with a healthy semifinal round, and most of the couples that competed with the exception of one or two couples were the same also, but this time the overall winner of this Rhythm Championship was Ivan Dishliev & Marieta Nedyakova and they won every dance. For us Ivan & Marieta were the clear winners with no other couple challenging their first place position. Second went to the Rising Stars winners Donovan Dominguez & Rose Dimov who if, in our opinion, had danced more like the night before, could have challenged a little more, but in this performance we agreed with the judges, they were clearly second. Third position wen to Matthias Kruchel & Christina Schlegel who were awarded third in every dance.
In the professional Ballroom there was also a few new entries and they were Iaroslav Bieliei & Olga Tsikalyuk who for us were the best couple from the start. However, the judges felt a little differently. They awarded them second in the waltz and they tied for first in the foxtrot. First in the waltz went to the second new entry and that was Michael Towlizew & Tiffany Fung who also tied for first with Iaroslav & Olga on the foxtrot, but to our surprise placed third in the VW and quickstep? The second places on those dances went to the third place overall finishers, Evgeniy Mayorov & Olga Lisovkaya (3,3,2,3,2). This was a small but very interesting competition with a very interesting result.
In the Pro/Am Open American Smooth Scholarships the “C” division had the most participation and this event wen to Beverly Moore w/Alain Doucet from Canada who won all dances. Second place was awarded to Dana Voigt w/Randy Wilson and they placed second in every dance and third was awarded to Elisabeth Cramer w/Robert Nardozza. In the “B” Liz Rocco w/Eric Hudson took the trophy home and second in all dances went to Dawn Mersich w/Gary Holmes, leaving third to Kitty Sang w/Matthias Kruschel (3,4,3,3). There were only four couples in the “A” division and the winner was Dawn Mersich w/Youriy Pavlov (1,2,1,1). Second went to Kelly Morikawa w/Jonathan Atkinson and in third place was Emma Rosenblum w/Michel Kibel and they were third in all dances.
After all competitions were over for the day the audience were treated to a Latin show by Roman Kutskyy & Anna Kovalova.
Colorado has Rhythm!
For the last two days we have concentrated on the Rhythm style here at the Colorado Star Ball Championships and it concluded with some excellent scholarships. To go with the scholarships we had the Rising Star Ballroom and Rhythm events. As always for the entire two days from morning to night time all couples in all levels received the wonderful Denver Colorado welcome we have gotten used to.
Not surprisingly, the largest attendance of the two professional events last night was in the Rising Star Rhythm category. The couples in this division were all very close in level and style and so we presume the judges had their work cut out. In the end Donovan Dominguez & Rose Dimov won every dance and took the title. Mathias Kruschel & Christina Schlegel were second in every dance and Jesse Dickson & Lannie Sullivan were third (5,3,3,3,3).
The Ballroom Rising Star was a lot easier with four couples entered, here Evganiy Mayorov & Olga Lisovskaya won all dances, Sarosh Ahmad & Zoe Wydrough took all seconds and Jonathan Atkinson & Lorena Bravo placed third.
In the pro/am Scholarships the “A” category was won by Dawn Mersich w/Hugh Rowe they took first in all five dances, Michelle Young & Scott Koogle took second and Emma Rosenblum w/Toby Munroe was third.
The “B” category went to Dawn Mersich w/Hugh Rowe again. They won four dances and placed second in the swing. Second overall was awarded to Eileeen Arcilla w/Golden Parker and they won the swing but placed second in the other four dances and third went to Lauren LaPointe w/Louis Bar (3,3,4,3,3).
The “C” was a two couple final and Dana Voigt w/Randy Wilson won all dances leaving second to Barbara Willis w/Rainier Rics.
After hours the talk is all about people staying to hike and people that have already hiked around the beautiful mountains of Denver Colorado. It all sounded so beautiful I wish I could have come a day earlier, but perhaps next time.
Today we are on to the Smooth divisions, so stay tuned for more results and stories from this event.
Dance Life Coaching - June
A Column To Help Dancers Journey In Life
By Susan Silva
There is a place in all of us that can be touched in a very deep way, either positively or negatively. For most of us we have experienced both spectrums. This place is what many people call our soul. What is the soul? The simplest definition I have found is described as where our deepest emotions are lodged inside of us. A Biblical description of a soul tells us that we are a three part being, we live in a body, have a soul which is where our mind, will and emotions lodge, and we have a spirit where we can get in touch with God. Dancing from your soul takes being able to open up our inner being and to get in touch with our feelings. This is not always easy, and many times people do not want to do this because of what is called soul wounds. I will talk more about this at the end of this article.
Music is a key to making the ballroom dance come alive and have feeling. I realize that in competition we do not pick our own music, so it becomes more difficult if the music itself has no soul. But when we have music that is meaningful, the dancer has an opportunity in what I call “becoming the music”, and dancing from their soul. Unfortunately even the best dancers sometimes do not get in touch with their soul, their partners, and the music. We can get so caught up in all the technical aspects and body movements that we no longer give our soul to the dance we are doing. When watching couples dance and even in judging, what is it that stands out the most from a couple? To me it is their relationship to each other and the music. Each partner must relate to the other from their soul in order to draw the audience in. In the recent Dancing With The Stars television show, Maks and Meryl won, but more important they danced from their souls and drew the audience into their dancing. Partners, who dance this way, make themselves vulnerable to each other, allowing their feelings to also dance.
To put this into a simpler perspective I will give two examples from other than dance. My late cousin, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, gave this example in one of his commentaries: “a poor man walks in, and two people give him a dollar. If you look at them from the outside, they both did the same thing. But if you look very deep, one gave a dollar and one gave everything there is. Sometimes two different people shake your hand. One person shook your hand, and the other person shook your soul.”
In Ballroom Dancing two different couples are on the floor competing, and they both did the same movements. But if you look very deep they are very different, because one couple danced the movement from their innermost souls. To dance from your soul you must perform more than just the steps; listen to more than the music playing. You must listen to your heart expression and let your soul dance. Dancing from that place is what really makes a great dancer.
Recently I was coaching a number of pro-am students getting ready for a competition. The one thing that stood out in all of the women dancers was that they were not dancing in touch with the music or their teacher. The students were so nervous about their steps, and placement, there was no feeling in their dancing at all. Of course we need technique, posture, correct placement in dance positions, but I find that many teachers lose track of why a person wants to dance. Every ballroom dance has a soul, a feeling that needs to be taught not just the technique. As I began to get the students to relax and focus on the particular feeling of the dance, the music came alive, they enjoyed themselves more, and they began to dance from their souls.
Soul wounds can affect your entire life and your dancing. You might be asking, “what are soul wounds, and how do they happen? There are many ways that soul wounds occur. Any painful event can wound you, and can also affect your physical health. Doctors have reported that 80% of disease comes through a traumatic event. Some examples are being rejected either in childhood, or as an adult, this could be through a personal relationship or even as a dancer. A long-term illness or an accident can leave a soul wound. Abuse of any kind, physical or verbal when not dealt with leaves a soul wound.
In my own life here are two examples. I can remember that when I was nine years old and on scholarship in NYC at a famous ballet school being told that my back was not strong enough to do point. My dream was to be a ballerina, but that stopped right then and there. Years later I realized I had a soul wound of rejection and hurt deep inside which needed healed. My healing came as I acknowledged this feeling, let it go, and let go of the resentment I had toward my ballet teacher. I then needed to replace it with a positive attitude focusing on what I was able to accomplish in my dancing. Looking back I realized that all my ballet training helped me in becoming a ballroom theatrical champion.
I have also experienced illness that affected my soul. I became ill in 2003, misdiagnosed for two years and wound up in a wheel chair. Finally after seeing tons of doctors I found out it was post-lyme, and it had gone into my immune system. I thought I would never dance again, but through faith, prayer, and the right treatments I did dance again in 2007. I danced to a piece of music that was very special to me. I had listened to it over and over for a period of time, and dreamt of dancing to it. As I became stronger physically I choreographed this piece of music together with a ballroom teacher I knew, and we finally danced it at an event. This healed my soul wound. It says in the book of Psalms, “God turns your mourning into dancing.” You can heal soul wounds through the art of ballroom dance, and especially through music that means something to you. If any of you reading this article realize that you need help with a soul wound that is affecting your ballroom dancing, feel free to get in touch with me.
I encourage you to get closer to yourself, to the deepest depths of you and Dance From Your Soul!
Susan Silva is an NDCA National Championship Certified Adjudicator in all styles of Ballroom Dance plus the Performing Arts. Former Theatrical, Exhibition, and American Style Champion. Broadway, Television, and Film Performer, toured with the Beatles in the mid 60’s, Author of a Theatrical Ballroom Syllabus, Choreographer & Lecturer. Available for judging, lectures, choreography, and coaching. Susan is also a Personal Dance Life Coach, certified and ordained to council people in all areas of life. For questions or Contact Info: [email protected], phone: 860-984-8387
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Yankee Classic 2014
20 Jun 2014Our Sponsors
Embassy Ball US Terpsichore Northcoast Ballroom Champs
Ballroom & Rhythm are the Stars at Yankee
Saturday night was a dancing extravaganza at Yankee Classic that started with a “bang!” For us the best professional events events of the night were the first two – Ballroom and Rhythm.
The Rhythm was first up and right away it developed into an obvious duel between Florida powerhouses, Peter & Alexandra Perzhu and Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova. On the last meeting between these two that we witnessed, at Emerald Ball, Nazar &
Irina came out on top. Here the decision was reversed and Peter & Alexandra took it by 3 dances to 2 by winning cha cha, rumba and bolero. Nazar & Irina took the other 2 dances. All were won with a majority (not large) of 1st place scores. These are 2 great couples – pay your money and take your choice!! They are very different both in appearance and styling.
3rd today went to Azamat Evgamukov & Katerina Angelone (3,3,4,3,3). In the semifinal round we were concerned that this pair was not on form, but in the final they stepped it up and we thought deserved their final placing overall. Physical conditioning has once again become an issue here. Shandor Shtefil & Aleksandra Barsukov continued to impress the judges taking 4th spot 4,4,3,4,4. They are an engaging couple but need a more personalized style perhaps. We liked 5th placed Matthew Hauer & Lauren Schelfhaudt, especially in cha cha and mambo. 6th went to Srahija Lackovic & Irina Fedsova (6,6,6,6,6) and 7th to Sasha & Tara Barakov (7,7,7,7,7). Watch out for Jennifer Foster’s report on this division.
Equally good was the Ballroom, although it had something of a shakeup in the form result. No surprises in the winners – Alexandre Voskalchuk & Veronica Ergorova were superb and won all dances with large majorities of 1st place scores. Alexandre’s twin brother (just kidding, but don’t they look alike?) Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova easily took 2nd in all dances and looked very energized to us today. The surprise tonight came in the 3rd place finish of Nazar Batih & Mariko Cantley (3,3,4,3,3). This was a great result for them (they even picked up a few 1st places) and certainly moves them ahead. Let’s see if they can maintain the momentum over this busy summer. Igor Mikushov & Ekaterina Roshchina were probably disappointed with their 4th place (4,5,3,4,4). 5th went to Emanuele & Francesca Pappacena (6,4,5,5,5) and 6th to Ronen Zinshtein & Maryam Izmalova (5,6,6,6,6). This was a World Masters Title. Christiane Primeau will have the report on this division in Dance Beat soon.
Unfortunately the Smooth and Latin failed to live up to the first two divisions. The Smooth was easily won by Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija. We were extremely surprised to see Nick & Viktoriya pick up a few scores below 2nd place!! The only challenge to the winners came from Vlad & Vera Kosarev who gave a good performance tonight, much stronger then the recent one at Atlanta Open. They scored some 1st places in all dances except VW. 3rd tonight went to Jan Ondrias & Vivian Lessa 3,3,3,3; 4th to Enzo Zappia & Laura Galmaceda 4,4,4,4; 5th to Matt Fortuna & Tania Nunez 5,5,5,5; 6th Jared Vigneault & Sara Zirolla.
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Svetts were easy winners of the Latin World Masters taking all dances with large majorities including a perfect score in cha cha. Taking 2nd in all dances, but getting some scores in the lower half of the final were Jean Paul & Lara Rossi. The RS winners, Vincenzo Mineri & Rosaria Vivone, continued their strong form taking 3rd 3,4,4,3,3. With 4,3,3,4,4, Dmytro & Nina Kovalenko were 4th. We liked ???? who were 5th with 6,5,5,5,5. 6th went to #212, 5,6,6,6,6 and 7th to Dennis Sy & Mae Lozada.
The World Masters Amateur Latin was an excellent event with a strong semifinal round – it was a tough final to make. The winners in all dances were Pasha Stepanchuk & Anastasia Danilova and they had the majority of 1st places in all dances except rumba where the 1st ‘s were spread around. We also really liked Artur Tarnavsky & Gabriella Sabler who were 2nd in all dances and picked up 1st places in all dances. With 3,4,4,3,3, Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova were 3rd. 4,3,3,5,4, gave Ron Garber & Liza the 4th spot and they looked much more “high-energy” than usual. 5th went to Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova (5,5,5,4,5) and 6th to #345.
For the pro-ams it was Ballroom day. Both the Open Scholarships and the New England Championships were excellent, although there were some reversals of placement between the divisions. The C Scholarship was won by Mike Brown w/ Anna Oblakova with 2nd going to Susan Walker w/ Samuele Pacchini. This was reversed in the New England Championship. Audrey Paek w/ Ronen Zinshtein won the B Open Scholarship over Carole Simmons w/ Serghei Pogonet. Audrey did not compete in the New England, so Carole had a clear field and took the event. Jennifer Lee w/ Serghei Pogonet took the Open A Scholarship.
The World Masters Pro-Am Title winners were Scott Bergendahl (9-Dance A); Elizabeth Canis (9-Dance B); Hope Huber (9-dance C); Rosemary Lynch (10-Dance B); Janice Stanton (10-Dance C).
The featured performers here at Yankee Classic were Victor Fung & Anastasia who delighted the crowd with their new (to us) ballroom show that moved along quickly and had excellent music choices. Interspersed were 2 wheelchair performances from Roll Call that were very moving.
The night ended with the now traditional Legal Seafood professional party sponsored once again by Kathy Kenney.
World Masters to Taras & Tatiana
The main feature of Friday night at Yankee was the World Masters Amateur Ballroom Championship and congratulations to Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova for winning this title – a great addition to any dancer’s resume.
The event attracted a semifinal and the final was the last event danced last night. The field was strong we thought. Taras & Tatiana won the event by 3 dances to 2 over Marek Klepadlo & Liana Bakhtiarova. Tara & Tatiana won tango, Viennese and quickstep, but only tango and Viennese with a majority of 1st places. Marek & Liana won the other 2 dances but not with a majority. Although these 2 couples shared the majority of 1st and 2nd places, both had a few marks in the lower half of the final with Taras & Tatiana picking up more of these stray 4’s and 5’s. The two couples have very different styles, find out what we thought and why some judges did not favor the winners in an upcoming edition of Dance Beat.
3rd tonight were youth competitors Samuel Hacke & Katerina Hermanova (4,5,3,3,3) who gave a strong showing tonight we thought. This was a close race with Fernando Lareu & Nicole Palagashvili taking 4th (3,3,4,5,4). We didn't really understand the 5th placement in foxtrot. 5th were Daniel Vesnovskiy & Emily Thorpe (5,4,5,4,5) and 6th Ben Moss & Esther Rheinbay.
All 4 Pro RS Star divisions took place this same night and all but the Ballroom had a semifinal round. From the perspective of the Dance Beat Team, there were many couples in all styles we had not seen before.
The winners of the Latin were the new partnership of Vincenzo Minieri & Rosaria Vivone (1,2,1,1,1). We’re not sure if this was in fact their first competition together. They make a super-attractive pair and should do well in this style. 2nd were the always impressive Dmyto & Nina Kovalenko (2,1,2,2,2) and 3rd, Dennis Sy & Mae Lozada (3,3,3,3,3).
The Smooth went to the consistent team of Serge & Yana Nelyubov (1,1,1,2). 2nd fell to Dave Hannigan & Maggie Toth (2,2,2,1) and 3rd to Jan Ondrias & Vivian Lessa (3,3,3,3,3).
In the Rhythm, Shandor Shtefil & Aleksandra Barsukov were the winners in al dances – clearly to us. 2nd went to Sahsa & Tara Barakov (3,2,2,2,2) and 3rd to the new partnership of Kosta Trifunic & Domante Padleckaite (2,3,3,3,3).
Oscar Pedrinelli & Lenka Kovalcikova won the Ballroom (2,1,1,1,1) with 2nd going to Mechyslav Pavlyuk & Gemma Arnold (1,2,2,2,2). We thought the runners-up were close to the winners in this one. 3rd were Oleksiy Buravenko & Victoria Karzukhina (3,3,3,3,3).
Friday was a long day with the pro-ams dancing 2 styles – Smooth and Latin. The Smooth was up first and the B and C divisions were the larger.
Lynn Shanahan w/ Darius Mosteika took the B (1,1,1,2). This lady has really come on strongly recently. 2nd fell to Amanda Levine w/ Morten Jensen (3,2,3,1) and 3rd to Aviva Adler w/ Victor Russu (2,3,2,3).
Elaine Sheresky Lewis w/ Victor Russu took all dances in the C, great to see her back on the floor and looking good! 2nd went to Nancy Sachs w/ Sergey Vasiliev (2,2,3,3) and 3rd to Hope Huber w/ Troy Baeten (3,3,2,2).
Only 2 couples contested the A division and it went to Brittany Falconer w/ Peter Walker in all dances over Scott Bergendahl w/ Maria Huard.
The New England Championships were also run in the Smooth and these went to Lynn Shanahan (B), Aviva Adler (C) and Scott Bergendahl (A).
In the Latin, once again the B and C divisions were the larger. Maria Sergaou w/ Dmitrios Damalas won all dances in the B, 2nd in all was Loraine Peoples w/ Andrei Gavriline and 3rd was Vanessa Dicicco w/ Vlad Astafiev (3,3,3,3,4).
The most closely contested was the C and this fell to Deborah Wagman w/ Matthew Hauer (1,2,2,1,2). Janice Stanton w/ Clive Phillips took 2nd (3,1,3,2,1) and Bernie McCool w/ Thomas Shiloshvili was 3rd (2,3,1,3,3).
Nicolas Nguyen w/ Helle Rusholt won the A (1,1,1,1,1). It was good to see him back on the floor. 2nd went to Chastity w/ Eddie Ares (2,2,2,2,2) and 3rd to Patricia Mui w/ Alex Samusevich (3,3,3,3,3).
Feeling the Rhythm in Boston
Yankee Classic got under way yesterday in a very sunny Cambridge, MA, and from the Marriott Hotel there were fine views across the Charles River of Downtown Boston glimmering in the sunshine.
The Yankee Classic also incorporates the New England Championships and some World Masters Championships. Yesterday was all about pro-am Rhythm and in the evening we saw the culmination with Open Scholarships and also Open New England Championships.
The entries and results were very similar between the Open Scholarships and New England Championships and once again is was FADS NY Westside featuring on the winners rostrum as Jolanta Mosteika and her boys swept the field. Giovanni Fortezza won the B division in Open Scholarship and New England Championship as did Phillip Widlanski in the C division.
Giovanni won all 5 dances in both divisions. The runner-up in both, with 2nd in all dances both times, was Faye Diamantoudi w/ Tony Santana from Montreal and all the 3rd ‘s in both events went to Elizabeth Canis w/ Robert Foster. Valerie Letelier w/ Jason Barrera took 4th in the New England Championship but was 5th in the Open behind Elizabeth Woo w/ Chris Uy.
Phillip placed 1,1,1,2,1 in the Open and 1,1,1,1T,1 in the New England and 2nd both times went to Hope Huber who took the 1st in bolero in the Open and tied it in the New England. Amy Pollinger w/ Slava Sergiev was 3rd in both with 4,3,3,3,5 in the Open and 3,3,3,3,5 in the New England. Carol Silverstein w/ Jean Michel Erole took 4th in the Open (3,4,5,4,4) but dropped to 6th in the New England (6,6,6,6,3). Deborah Liguori w/ Rodrigue Edouard was 5th both times (5,5,4,5,3 and 5,5,5,5,4). David Pollinger w/ Irina Sarukhanyan took 6th in the Open. Catherine Zambos w/ Peter Perzhu was 4th in the New England (4,4,4,4,6) but did not compete in the Open.
The A division saw the smallest entries and was different between the two categories. Chastity w/ Eddie Ares won all dances in the Open. Sami Gendreau w/ Matt Fortuna was 2nd (2,2,2,3,2). Neither of these ladies took part in the New England. Jennifer Coutney w/ Istvan Cserven was 3rd in the Open (3,3,3,2,3) but won the New England (2,1,1,1,1). Scott Bergendahl w/ Maria Huard was 2nd in the New England.
Professional Rhythm at Emerald Ball
18 Jun 2014Emerald Ball 2014 Open Professional American Rhythm
By Carolina Orlovsky-Telona and Felipe Telona Jr.
Photos by Mary Tweeddale (unless marked)
It is always a daunting task and yet wonderful honor to be asked to share our views on a competitive event.
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Professional Rhythm at Wsiconsin State
17 Jun 2014Professional Rhythm at Wisconsin State
Report by Kimberley Mitchell
Photos by Park West
1. Andre & Natalie Paramonov. A wonderful couple that tried too hard for me tonight. I would love to see them dance with the ease and the rhythmic ability I know they have and not show how hard they have to work to win. I look forward to seeing Andrey and Natalie's improvement in the next few months.