But if the winner of the rhythm was clear, it was not so in the Ballroom and Latin. Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa appeared delighted with their win in the Ballroom. They placed 1,2,2,1,2. Neither they, nor any other couple, had a majority of 1st places in any dance. Denis & Lesya offer a musical interpretation of the dances with less emphasis on movement around the floor and this found overall, the most favor from this panel of judges. 2nd tonight went to Iaroslav Bieliel & Lilly Gladiuk 2,1,1,3,3. This was somewhat of an unlucky result for them as they had the most 1st places in the waltz (7, just 1 less than the majority), but they had some judges placing them in the bottom of the final and this cost them the dance. 2 judges in particular showed them little favor; Amanda Reyzin placed them 6th in all dances and they picked up other random 5th and 6th placements. With 3,3,3,2,1, Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova were 3rd and obviously picked up their share of 1st places in all dances. Interestingly, in the QS every couple in the final received at least 1 first place. Oscar Pedrinelli & Lenka Kovalcikova were 4th 4,4,5,4,4; Igor Mikushov & Ekaterina Romashkina were 5th 5,5,4,5,5 and Stefano DiBrino & Bianca Zubrowska were 6th in all dances, but were placed 1st in all dances by Ron Montez.
Artur Tarnavsky & Anastasia Danilova Artur Tarnavsky & Anastasia Danilova
Pro Ballroom Pro Ballroom
Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa
Pro Latin Pro Latin
The runners-up in the U/21 Latin from Friday, moved up to the winning spot in the Open Amateur. Giulio Ferrante & Lidia Martinez Espinosa won all dances. 2nd Hai Tran & Stacey Chuang 2,2,2,2,2; 3rd Robert McShinsky & Peyton Munson 3,3,3,3,5; 4th Tyler Adler & Makayla Bezzant 5,4,4,4,3; 5th Max Kalmanovich & Danielle Rayzberg 6,5,5,5,7; 6th Clayton Noyes & Kaila Bradley 7,6,6,6,4; 7th James McShinsky & Chanel Kostich 4,7,7,7,6.
The Open A was taken by Melonie Krumer w/ Max Sinitsa who easily won all 4 dances. 2nd was Susan Sidman w/ Gleb Makarov 2,2,2,3 and 3rd Natalie Crandell w/ Decho Kraev 4,3,4,2.
The Open B was a Rule 11 tie for 1st place that went in favor of Susan Sidman w/ Gleb Makarov 2,1,1,2. This time it was teacher Max Sinitsa this time with Sirinda Sincharoen who took 2nd 1,2,2,1. 3rd place went to Sophia D’Angelo w/ Ilya Reyzin.
Michiko Cantor w/ Evgeny Malko won all dances in the Open C. Sophia w/ Ilya was 2nd this time also in all dances and Sue Eldred w/ Igor Ustymovich was 3rd 4,3,3,3.
Paul Holmes & Mikal Watkins Paul Holmes & Mikal Watkins
Paul Holmes & Mark Weiss Paul Holmes & Mark Weiss
The Judges were “Gangstas!”
Regardless of how the competitors actually felt about there scores, there was no doubt that the judges certainly looked like gangstas last night at Vegas Open!!
Michael Chapman, Heather Smith, Rufus Dustin & Toni Redpath Michael Chapman, Heather Smith, Rufus Dustin & Toni Redpath
Denis Rogers, Wayne Eng & Stuart Cole Denis Rogers, Wayne Eng & Stuart Cole
Toni Redpath & Michael Mead Toni Redpath & Michael Mead
Kyle & Allie Spinder were 4th in all dances, Evgeny Malko & Anna Shabazyan were 5th in all and Jean Paul & Lana Rossi were 6th.
Toni Redpath will have a report on this division for Dance Beat.
In the RS Latin Francesco Bertini & Sabrina Manzi won all 5 dances with strong majorities. Runners-up, Andrey Voloshko & Kateryna Kyrylenko took 2nd in all 5 and Tykhon Zhyvkov & Anastasiia Kuzueva placed 3,4,3,3,4 to take 3rd.
Hans & Ans Stork won the Senior I Ballroom winning all 4 dances. 2nd went to Ian Sharp & Victoria Lawrence 2,2,3,2 and 3rd to David Getchell & Allison Gonzlaez 3,3,2,3. Hans & Ans also won the Senior II with David & Allison moving up to 2nd and Doug Priest & Stephanie Au taking 3rd.
Only 3 couples contested the U/21 Latin and the winners were Dmytry Dmytrenko & Nadia Kireyko.
In the Open A Scholarship Natalie Crandall w/ Decho Kraev was the winner 1,1,1,1,1. 2nd went to Susan Sidman w/ Gleb Makarov 2,2,2,2,2 and 3rd to Marinda James-Heskett w/ Jeremy Pilling 4,3,3,3,3T.
2nd in the Open B went to Susan Sidman w/ Gleb Makarov 2,2,2,2,2 and 3rd to Elena Cormio w/ Edwin Torres 3,4,4,3,3. In the Open C, Lyn Magnesen w/ Vard Margaryan was 2nd 2,2,2,2,2 and Quin Bommelje w/ Misha Vlasov was 3rd 3,3,3,3,3.
Throwing a 7 in Vegas!
The Vegas Open Challenge is underway, right here in the entertainment capital of the USA, Las Vegas, NV, and it’s back at the Luxor Resort. Organizers are Mikal Watkins, Maria Hansen & Paul Holmes.
Lauren LaPointe Lauren LaPointe
Nightclub Night Nightclub Night
Nightclub Night Nightclub Night
Jonathan Roberts, Toni Redpath, Mikal Watkins Jonathan Roberts, Toni Redpath, Mikal Watkins
Somewhat unusually, the Vegas Open puts on the pro-am international style divisions first and they were all danced throughout Thursday day and night sessions.
Lisa Lowery, now competing with Peter Perzhu, won the Open C Global Scholarship placing 1,2,1,1,3. As you can see this was a tight competition and infact there were 2 Rule 10 tiebreaks in this final. One of them was between 2nd and 3rd and the decision went to Lisa Liao w/ Iaroslav Bieliel 2,3,2,2,2 and that left 3rd for Sally He w/ Enzo Zappia who nevertheless won 2 dances, 3,1,3,3,1.
Che w/ Mikulich was the winner in the Open B Latin 1,1,1,3,1. The winner of the rumba, Marotto w/ Oleksiy Lytvyn was 2nd overall 2,2,2,1,3 and Cindy Mishlove w/ Vartan Zakariants was 3rd 3,3,3,2,2.
Rhonda Lynch w/ Stephen McCann won all dances in the Open C Latin. Lynn Magnessen w/ Tykhon Zhyvkov was 2nd 3,2,2,2,2. A strong 10-dancer, Sally Ye w/ Enzo Zappia took the 3rd spot 2,3,3,3,3.
Surprisingly to us, there were only 4 entries in the RS Smooth and the easy winners were Slava & Valeriya Kostaniets – again in all dances. 2nd went to John Campbell and Jackie Brockman, 2,2,2,2 and 3rd to Jason Rivers & Elisa Seja.