The honored guests all met at the beach where the boat waited decorated in white and we all took off out to sea. The backdrop for the wedding was the magnificent Diamond Head everyone knows as one of the most prominent landmarks in Hawai’i. Once there the ceremony was very short but sweet and these two became one, and as Mr. Alvarez put it, “who would have thought this would come through and be possible.” Those thoughts are in many ways very true, for many years people of the same sex were not allowed to be married and in many places even if you were, people still refused to cater or help when it comes to a same sex weddings. Well, not here in Hawai’i, it was one of the first states to allow same sex marriage and break the bigotry of stopping 2 people who want to be together for life and give them the protections that only marriage equality gives.
Open Pro Ballroom Open Pro Ballroom
Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija
Pro Showdance Pro Showdance
The Professional Rhythm also took place this fantastic evening and here Ivan Dishliev & Marieta Nedyalkova won all dances, second was awarded to Kyle Spinder & Allie Spinder, leaving third to Alejandro & Lucelia Falcon.
The Hawai’i Star Ball went without a hitch and everyone was able to take a small part of the beauty of the island.
Kilauea Volcano Kilauea Volcano
Lava flow at night Lava flow at night
Inside a lava tube Inside a lava tube
In Quest of the Star!
Last night here at the Hawaii Star Ball a (points only) event was held for the Star American Smooth Tour, all couples participating received points toward their goal and the couple with the most points by next year’s City Lights Ball will walk away with $25.000.00.
But that is not all, the couples in the top 12 spots will also qualify for some great prizes. The night was perfect for the couples since it was a standing room only with not one table empty giving a wonderful atmosphere for the couples performing.
Max Sinitsa & Tatiana Seliverstova Max Sinitsa & Tatiana Seliverstova
Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija
Open Pro Smooth Open Pro Smooth
Fourth place in every dance was awarded to another very strong performer last night and that was Mariusz Zakrzewski & Lynnsay Ray. These two held their own and it was perhaps one of the best performances we have see from this couple. In fifth place were Ivan Dishliev & Marieta Nedyalkova placing 5th in all dances, this is a very talented couple but on this night it looked almost as if they took their great Rhythm dances and added some Smooth steps into it, looked hurried and a little messy.
Ivan Dishliev & Marieta Nedyalkova Ivan Dishliev & Marieta Nedyalkova
Kyle & Allie Spinder Kyle & Allie Spinder
Open Pro Rhythm Open Pro Rhythm
Last night there was a band and everyone enjoyed general dancing. It was a semiformal evening with Aloha shirts still being worn. The evening totally captured the spirit of “Aloha.” We look forward to the Professional Ballroom and Latin tonight and we will keep you posted tomorrow. We expect it to be a full night and dinner service will be in the ballroom!
The Star of the Pacific!
There are only so many popular stars that you can clearly see, the Star of David, the Sun, the North Star, Barbara Streisand and there is, in the middle of the Pacific, the Hawaii Star…….. Ball.
Yesterday was the first day of competition - it was Pro/Am Smooth and Latin. The floor was packed for many of the heats while everyone cheered them on. All Hawaiian schools were in attendance making this perhaps the best competition the locals can attend all year round.
There were plenty of scholarships and they too were for the most part fully attended. The Smooth “B” and “C” were excellent. The “Open B” went to Joanne Tatem w/ Mariusz Zakrzewski and they won all four dances. Second in this excellent final was awarded to Dana Miller w/David Estrada and third place was awarded to Susan Cassano w/Randy Dias.
In the “C” division first place in all dances was awarded to Vicki Barbera w/ Jonah Schneider, second in all dances went to Mia Gentuya w/ Arthur Eroles, and in third place was Ronny Harris w/Emi Masuda.
Once again the weak link here was the “A” division with only one couple entered Stacie Yoshinaga w/Lucas Jaime.
As this weekend of dance progresses things seem to be getting better and better, tonight we have some rising star events and the Country western and solos are going on right now as we speak and so we don’t sign off we just say as they always do here “Aloha” meaning hello or goodbye or everything in between!