5 professional events were run and they all had excellent competition, there were also a few pro-am showcases giving us a little break from the storm of professional talent on the floor.
Adrian & Hanna Dydynsky
Adrian & Hanna Dydynsky
Roman Malkhasyan & Galina Detkina
Roman Malkhasyan & Galina Detkina
Open Pro Smooth
Open Pro Smooth
We personally found Galina & Roman’s performance very artistic and natural and totally unique to their style, perhaps a little to artsy at times but full of musicality and excellent dancing. All of Mr. Kasperowicz’s firsts went to Adrian & Hannah Dydynski who placed second overall and took the majority of second or better in all four dances. For us in this performance we found Adrian & Hannah very correct but perhaps lacking a little in subtlety and uniqueness, at this level of performance we expect a certain amount of creativity when it comes to the couple’s interpretation of each dance and not just well rehearsed performance. Adrian & Hannah’s worst marks came from Elena Kryuchkova who awarded them 3,4,4,4.
Third in all dances went to Igor Afonkin & Meghan Anderson and they got the majority of fourth or better in all dances, their worst marks came from Mr.Didio Barrera who awared them 5,4,3,4. Fourth place was awarded to Ilya Abdulin & Tara placing fourth in all dances, fifth in all was Vladyslav & Brianna Nalyvaychuk, and sixth was Dmitriy & Oksana Volodko.
Ilya Abdulin & Tara Barakov
Ilya Abdulin & Tara Barakov
Aaron & Iryna DeSotto
Aaron & Iryna DeSotto
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Third went to Oscar Pedrinelli & Lenka Kovalcikova with these marks 4,2,4,4,2, and in looking at the marks there were at least three judges that thought their tango was terrific as we did. We were a little surprised not to see more judges jumping on board on this one. When it came to dancing we thought Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova had a terrific night. I have not seen them dance this well in a long time, whatever they are doing they should do more of, they looked light and had lots of flair. Unfortunately, they have not been getting great results of late, their dancing was starting to get a little heavy at times and stagnant. We were a little shocked when they were placed fourth but not surprised since as we just mentioned their results have been a little low lately, but as you will see from their marks one more third and they would have placed a little higher 3,4,3,3,4.
Fifth position went to Evgeniy Mayorov & Olga Lisovskaya placing fifth in all dances and sixth in all went to Aleksandr Skriptsov & Aida Skripsova.
Artur Tarnavsky & Anastasia Danilova
Artur Tarnavsky & Anastasia Danilova
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Manuel Favilla & Natalia Maidiuk
Manuel Favilla & Natalia Maidiuk
When looking at the marks Manuel & Natalia won four dances with a majority of firsts the C,S,R,J but not by a lot, in the cha cha they got 7 first out of 13 judges and Artur & Anastasia got 6 firsts, the same amount of firsts were distributed to the couples in the samba and the jive. Manuel & Natalia took one more first in the rumba bringing that count to 8 first places to them and only five to Artur & Anastasia, that was a little clear. In the paso doble Artur & Anastasia got 7 out of 13 firsts and Manuel & Natalia 6. So as you can see it was really close between these two excellent couples and we must add that their styles were different as well. Manuel & Natalia tend to be more basic with grounded movements, while Artur & Anastasia tend to be more playful and out of the ordinary when it comes to their interpretation and choreography. We have to say that on this occasion we thought that Artur & Anastasia could have easily won and as you can see by all the marks it was very close one judge could have changed the result, so in this case we are going to say that it was really just a matter of taste.
Third in this competition went to Dymytrii Goncharov & Tatyana Lutsenko with these marks 4,4,3,3,3; fourth was Dmitrii Chopenko & Valeria Khrapak 3,3,4,5,4, and fifth was awarded to Aleksei Alekseev & Ekaterina Derevleva 5,5,5,4,5. We actually got this backwards overall, we really liked Aleksei & Ekaterina we thought they presented very solid Latin American dancing, but apparently not when looking at the marks. We found Dymytrii & Tatyana lacking some of the basic understanding of what the dances are all about, but perhaps that is just us being old fashioned in this new world of steps and power. And we found some of Dimitrii & Valeria’s movements a little too abstract and over the top for our old fashioned likes.
Once the night started there were no delays we got right to the business and it was over before we knew it leaving us all wanting more. I think we should all take example of this when it comes to organizing. We tip our hat to the organizers who kept everything moving and have revived this Windy City Open competition with the energy and class that this wonderful city deserves.
The Windy City!
“I’d rather be a lamppost in Chicago than a millionaire in any other city” this is a quote from William A Hulbert.
Chicago has played a central role in American economic, cultural, and political history and since the 1850’s has been one of the most dominant Midwest metropolis in the USA. And this city is once again the host of the Windy City Open organized now by Emil Loukhnikov.
The competition started Thursday night with the Rising Star competitions and the nightclub dances. All day Friday was about Ballroom and Rhythm competition and last night the evening got under way with a diner Gala attended by all participants and it was a complete “white glove” affair.
Eugene Katsevman & Maria Manusova
Eugene Katsevman & Maria Manusova
Eugene Katsevman & Maria Manusova
Eugene Katsevman & Maria Manusova
Open Amateur Latin
Open Amateur Latin
Vladishlav Krupskii & Valerie Dubinsky
Vladishlav Krupskii & Valerie Dubinsky
Tonight it is all about the Professional events and we will be bringing it to you here at Dancedancebeat.com. But for now we would like to leave you with this quote about Chicago and another state from Mitch Hedburg, “Chicago is known as the Windy City, and Montana is called the Big Sky State, so I think that we should somehow combine the two to create the ultimate kite-flying experience”