And we have to say that this is usually a fun event to attend, however, we have to really tip our hat to Mr. Chuck Danza because this year he really extended the royal carper to all, with hospitality, fun parties and gatherings every day and night and just about anything you would want to be super comfortable at an event you’re dancing in. The Philadelphia Championships had it all.
We could spend most of our blog talking about the fun and pampering going on outside the ballroom but we think that, perhaps this is something you need to experience and not just talk about. So, put it down in your 2020 calendar now. Before we speak of the excellent dance competitions that happened last night, we want to say thank you Chuck for your excellent hospitality given to us the officials and best of all to all your guests and attendees.
Now to the dancing, we have to say that last night’s events were excellent in quality as well as attendance with nearly every professional event having a full semifinal round.
Mykhalio Azerov & Tetyana Makarenko
Mykhalio Azerov & Tetyana Makarenko
Jamie Black & Samantha Elliott
Jamie Black & Samantha Elliott
Open Pro Smooth
Open Pro Smooth
Vitalii Kaliuzhnyi & Talia Barrington
Vitalii Kaliuzhnyi & Talia Barrington
Michael Choi & Viktoriya Kleyman
Michael Choi & Viktoriya Kleyman
Third overall in this excellent Smooth final were Michael Choi & Viktoriya Kleyman 3,3,3,2. We really like this partnership, in fact we thought they could have easily placed second. Their work is interesting soft and in all the dances very well executed throughout in this final. Another couple we are pleased to see get great recognition are Pavel Lebedev & Dinara Kharyrulina from Canada who placed fourth overall 4,5,5,4, and who gave an excellent performance. We are also happy to see Canada have such great representation in this field and it is encouraging to know that they have come such a long way in their Smooth dancing.
Fifth place was awarded to Sergei Shapoval & Mila Popovich, 6,4,4,5, here is another great partnership in the making, they are fresh looking and very promising to the style with good basic background and great understanding of what Smooth dancing is. Sixth place was awarded to Vladimir Popov & Erin Marie, 5,6,6,6. This is one of our favorite couples with some very interesting moves and a very unique approach to this style. However, I think they need to pay closer attention to make sure everything does not end up looking the same, and their foxtrot and Viennese Waltz need to be perfectly executed. In this style nowadays there is little room for missteps or bad days.
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Ilya Abdulin & Anastasia
Ilya Abdulin & Anastasia
Kristian Sese & Mae Lozado
Kristian Sese & Mae Lozado
Andrei Gavrilov & Mengqi Huang took fourth overall 4,4,4,5,4; fifth went to Vuk Stefanovic & Larisa Mikryukova 5,5,5,4,5 and sixth was awarded to Mykhailo Azarov & Tetyana Makarenko who took all sixths.
To all the Rhythm couples that enter and did not enter this event - when both your feet leave the floor and you’re being assisted by your partner to do this, this is called a “Lift!” And to them all we can say is - please leave this at home or better put them in your showdance, cabaret or exhibition routine they go really well there but in a group competition you could face some kind of penalty for it and it is not worth it.
Open Pro Ballroom
Open Pro Ballroom
Andrii Mykhailov & Anna Bohachova
Andrii Mykhailov & Anna Bohachova
Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova
Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova
Sergey Izyumov & Oksana Zaver
Sergey Izyumov & Oksana Zaver
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Artur Tarnavsky & Anastasia Danilova
Artur Tarnavsky & Anastasia Danilova
Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova
Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova
To conclude we want to congratulate Mr. Chuck Danza in making the Philadelphia Dancesport Championships a terrific affair and we want to leave you with a W.C. Fields quote: “Here lies W.C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia.”
Rising Stars at Philly!
Last night at the Philadelphia Dancesport Championships we saw all four styles in the professional field compete for the Rising Star titles.
But although the competitions were excellent one of the best competitions of the night was the Amateur Latin where some terrific dancing occurred.
Open Amateur Latin
Open Amateur Latin
Pasha Stepanchuk & Gabriella Sabler
Pasha Stepanchuk & Gabriella Sabler
Andrew Nikitchenko & Yuliya Lisovska
Andrew Nikitchenko & Yuliya Lisovska
We have to agree with the judges that from fourth place down things were not as clear. Fourth place was awarded to Artem Zhychuk & Natasha Shevchenko, but look at these marks they are as many would say all over the place 6,4,3,4,5. From looking at this we can agree with the judges that yes, they were all over the place; depending upon when you were looking at them it was ether great or mediocre. More consistency in the work is needed for this couple to move on forward and challenge the three above them.
Fifth went to Max Firestein & Nicole Renne 4,6,6,5,3. This couple have amazing energy on the floor the only problem is that at times the work can look a little discombobulated, but this is not a bad thing, this young couple are full of talent and we could see in the very near feature them challenging the very top on the field. In sixth place and a little disappointed for us and we are sure for them were Sandu Babira & Alise Dombrovsky, from Canada 5,5,5,6,6. We said disappointing for us because we are usually great fans of this couple’s dancing but on last night’s performance they were unnoticed, hard to find and very quiet, their worst performance we have seen in along time.
Tonight there will be all the professional open events and we will have all for you here tomorrow .