One thing is for certain, Costa Rica not only has some beautiful sights to visit but it is also very much into dance and we mean all kinds of dance.
They also had plenty of support from other American countries not just the USA. They had some excellent participation from Mexico, Brazil and a couple of other countries. This is all fantastic but what is really impressive to us all is the amount of support the Costa Rican people gave all the dancers, the room was packed from start to finish even though it was being broadcast live by Hola TV in Costa Rica and the USA, but you could also see it at .
On the way to the venue today we saw the volcano erupting in the distance, this is a new occurrence for us visiting Costa Rica. It must be Pele from Hawaii’s cousin, the Turrialba Volcano also dancing and celebrating life “Pura Vida.” We will keep you posted about all the happenings at the convention center with more video clips on FaceBook. We leave you with the actual knowledge of where this volcano is that we just saw in the distance.
Costa Rica is an amazing country that draws not only year-round tourists, but also scientists. Archeologists, geologists, and volcanologists travel to Costa Rica from all over the world to study the beautiful, natural landscape. One of the reasons that volcanologists are so drawn to Costa Rica is because the country’s bountiful national parks and reserves are home to more than sixty volcanoes. That’s right, there is a great number of glorious towers (some dormant or extinct) raising about the earth here in Costa Rica. Volcanologists come here so that they can study these volcanoes, in the hopes of finding out more about what makes them erupt. The hope for these studies is that the knowledge gained can help scientists find a way to better predict eruptions, and ultimately save lives.
Once we got to the beautiful convention center today (Sunday), we continued with the intense competition, but this time with jazz, ballet, folklore singles and groups and we have to say we saw some of the most impressive talent of the two days of dancing.
There was a heat with group of little girls, 5 of them to be precise, that were amazing, each one of them had what we can almost call a professional program. The young ladies must have been 7 years old or it seems less, but their maturity in some of their work sent chills to one’s spine. We were only a little concerned with the choice of music. Perhaps the best of the heat, a young girl, who performed a very adult song and although there was no vulgarity in the song or theme, it dealt with very adult issues and we are sure it made some of the judges swallow hard, after a couple of them mentioned that although they thought she was perhaps one of the best, her teachers should give better thought to this type of theme. But we have to say that, it was lovely to see so much talent and all so young all in one category.
With this the two days of competition in this beautiful green paradise came to an end.