The excellent weekend of dance in San Jose, CA had its final evening last night and as on every other night, it packed the ballroom with fans and dancers form around California and the USA. Smooth was not the only excellent competition of the evening or even of the week we saw perhaps one of the best pro/am leaders in the Smooth division and guess what, it was not a man, this proves that we can all lead and follow and that this new gender neutral maneuver by our council might be a great thing for women in general in our industry. We’ll explain later.
Yegor Novikov & Alexandra Smirnova
Yegor Novikov & Alexandra Smirnova
Slava & Valeriia Kostianets
Slava & Valeriia Kostianets
Fifth went to Ilia Sydorenko & Tetyana Kuts, a couple that has plenty of power, perhaps a little too much at times, turning it into a match of push and shove. There is lots of potential with this couple, but in our opinion they just need to channel that energy wisely, you can see by the marks some judges had a few doubts about them 5,5,6,5. For us the couple that could have easily been in fifth place but placed sixth overall was Igor Dogoter & Natalia Gorshkova 6,6,5,6, perhaps the work might just not be original and a little blasé but when it came to quality it hit the mark for us.
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Francesco & Sabrina Bertini
Francesco & Sabrina Bertini
Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova
Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova
Lukas & Simona Alisauskas
Lukas & Simona Alisauskas
From here down we have to say the couples got less productive and their performances had less value to the eye. Joseph & Alexandra Hopwood were perhaps the best of the group placing fourth in all dances, but their performance lacked the isolation and quality to challenge the top three just mentioned. Fifth overall but not in all dances went to Mattia Bielli & Taisiia Huges 5,5,6,5,5. We must mention that at the after party some of the judges were a little perturbed by the color of his lipstick (Pink), some thought it brought too much attention to the face and not enough to the dancing. Sixth were August Jensen & Nanette Scheetz 6,6,5,6,6, and seventh went to Zholt Katona & Timea Potys and this was in all dances.
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Andrew Escolme & Amy Baker
Andrew Escolme & Amy Baker
Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman
Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman
Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman who placed third in all dances and who were very impressive in their opening dance-on mambo fizzled out a bit and only managed to get thirds and seconds in their column. Fourth in all went to Aaron Pierce & Ksenia Stavrica, fifth were John Bernal & Bailey Carrillo and sixth were Roman Zotov & Anna Zotova.
The professional Cabaret was a three couple affair and left us all perhaps wanting more. The winners were Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova who did a rumba with some lift work in it. Second went to Joseph Nuget & Kyla Liu who did a “Men In Black” routine. And third went to Robbie Cromwell & Ruth Trimmer.
As we mentioned, before the lift of the mandate or “embargo” of man only to lead and woman must only follow, has allowed some ladies to step on to the floor and compete with some of their women students, giving them and everyone involved a chance to make a living regardless of their gender. The ballroom and in particularly the pro/am world where all professionals make their living had been closed to women leading but now we start to see many of them come out to compete and it is a refreshing sight and here in the City Light Open it was no different. I was very impressed with a young lady by the name of Elizabeth Thomson who was a student and led “Vanessa” her teacher in a closed bronze level category to win the Bronze Closed Scholarship. What impressed us and many of the judges present was the quality of lead and basic work that this women produced. The performance was just not technically right but very musical for this level of dancing, her upper body posture challenged not just her male opponent in this category, but also some of the teachers we see at many events. We want to tip our hat to Elizabeth for a terrific performance of a basic level of dancing in the leading role. We must add that Elisabeth won her “bronze” Smooth scholarship with perfect scores from the judges.