This has been a very tough time for the dance industry. With "social distancing" a new reality for the last 3 months, we have been among the most impacted industries worldwide. A dance form that has been described as "touch dancing" in the past does not fare well with a mandated 6' between individuals!
However, some of our studios are back in operation and some competitions are provisionally on the schedule. Here at Dance Beat, we have been as affected as everyone else. We have been unable to publish our new magazine since February, but hope to get back soon when printing presses are running and content becomes available.
Samba: Brazillian Vs. International
Samba: Brazillian Vs. International
An interview w/ Max & Tatiana
An interview w/ Max & Tatiana
Psychology of Dance
Psychology of Dance
Check back with us regularly or visit the Dance Beat Facebook page for current updates.