The Professionals in Rhythm, stepped up to the plate and many showed up making this a full semifinal round of competition. We were slightly disappointed to see that in the other three styles, 6 or less couples participated, a strange occurrence since we have heard so many professionals complaining that the other events able to run so far had not included professional competitions. Nevertheless, the competitors that came gave the attendees a good show and some wonderful performances.
As we mentioned this was the first multi-day event that offered professional categories, but lucky for us all, including the organizers, the pro/am competitors stepped up to the plate and the organizers were still able to dance all styles in three days of competition. The competition is located in Minneapolis, MN, but it is called the Twin Cities Open, because there is another city called Saint Paul, MN, and they are basically attached to one another.
Open Professional Cabaret
Open Professional Cabaret
Shane & Shannon Jensen
Shane & Shannon Jensen
Zachary Pohl & Ariel Freilich
Zachary Pohl & Ariel Freilich
Gianni Caliandro & Ariana Esposito
Gianni Caliandro & Ariana Esposito
Open Pro Rhythm (not in order)
Open Pro Rhythm (not in order)
Danas Jaksevicius & Yuki Haraguchi
Danas Jaksevicius & Yuki Haraguchi
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
David Nyemchek & Maysen Wilder
David Nyemchek & Maysen Wilder
Open Pro Smooth
Open Pro Smooth
Igor Afonkin & Meghan Anderson
Igor Afonkin & Meghan Anderson
Ilya Abdullin & Anastasija Jerjomina
Ilya Abdullin & Anastasija Jerjomina
Sandor Shtefil & Anastasiia Kriukova
Sandor Shtefil & Anastasiia Kriukova
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova
Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova
Oleg Iakushev & Victoriia Iakusheva
Oleg Iakushev & Victoriia Iakusheva
Ricci Milan & Heat Box
Ricci Milan & Heat Box
Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova in the show
Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova in the show