Why was this? Every now and then the competitors and audience are so perfectly in tune, that “words just get in the way!” That was what happened with the Open Pro Latin here at the SFO. Perhaps it was the stellar dancing on display, or maybe the audience is especially starved for live competition after more than a year of Zoom and YouTube?
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Troels Bager & Ina Jeliazkova
Troels Bager & Ina Jeliazkova
Mykhailo Bilopukhov & Anastasiia Shchypilina
Mykhailo Bilopukhov & Anastasiia Shchypilina
Sasha Altukhov & Cheyenne Murillo
Sasha Altukhov & Cheyenne Murillo
Open Pro Smooth
Open Pro Smooth
Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija
Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija
Oleksiy Pigotskyy & Anastasiia Zhuchenko
Oleksiy Pigotskyy & Anastasiia Zhuchenko
Tykhon Zhyvkov & Yana Zhyvkov
Tykhon Zhyvkov & Yana Zhyvkov
U/21 Latin
U/21 Latin
Dave Firestein & Kennedy Eaton
Dave Firestein & Kennedy Eaton
Arsen Havryshchuk & Stella Zilberberg
Arsen Havryshchuk & Stella Zilberberg
Nikita Grygorchuk & Naomi Veronica Spektor
Nikita Grygorchuk & Naomi Veronica Spektor
Fordney Foundation PT/GR Grand Slam
Fordney Foundation PT/GR Grand Slam
Nickolas Bleykhman & Alissa Joly
Nickolas Bleykhman & Alissa Joly
There were some really strong Youth and Junior divisions run Saturday afternoon and many of the highest placed kids were invited to perform honor dances on Saturday night.
Running any competition during this pandemic time is a challenge and offers unique risks for the organizers. We want to offer our congratulations to Stephan, Denise & Colin for their attention to safety and expediency in these troubling conditions. Well done guys!
The Ball is Back!
The Ball at San Francisco Open is on and running for 2021.
That’s right, we’re all dancing live at a competition in California again. Stephan & Denise Krauel and Colin James, the organizers of SFO decided to push ahead with their event this year at it’s traditional home, the Marriott Waterfront at San Francisco Airport, and last night was a vindication of their decision.
With 3 rounds in the Junior Grand Slam and 2 rounds in the Amateur Latin and Pro Ballroom and a 7-coupe final in the Pro Rhythm, this was certainly the best dancing we personally have seen since the pandemic closed down the competition world.
Open Amateur Latin
Open Amateur Latin
Max Firestein & Nicole Renee
Max Firestein & Nicole Renee
Daniil Tymoshenko & Vladyslava Vursalova
Daniil Tymoshenko & Vladyslava Vursalova
Nikita Grygorchuk & Naomi Veronica Spektor
Nikita Grygorchuk & Naomi Veronica Spektor
Open Pro Ballroom
Open Pro Ballroom
Iaroslav & Lilia Bieliei
Iaroslav & Lilia Bieliei
Gianni Caliandro & Arianna Esposito
Gianni Caliandro & Arianna Esposito
Serhiy Averkov & Olena Barna
Serhiy Averkov & Olena Barna
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Danas Jaksevicius & Yuki Haraguchi
Danas Jaksevicius & Yuki Haraguchi
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman
Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman
Grand Slam PT/JR Latin
Grand Slam PT/JR Latin
Daniel Novikov & Mishella Vishnevskiy
Daniel Novikov & Mishella Vishnevskiy
Daniel Novikov & Mishella Vishnevskiy
Daniel Novikov & Mishella Vishnevskiy
Nickolas Bleykhman & Alissa Joly
Nickolas Bleykhman & Alissa Joly
Pro-Am entries are a little down from other years at SFO, but California studios were hard hit by the pandemic and are only now beginning to reopen.
Look out for more from tonight’s competition here on Dance Beat soon and more detailed reviews from our experts in the coming weeks!