Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Troels Bager & Ina Jeliazkova
Troels Bager & Ina Jeliazkova
Manuel Favilla & Natalia Maiduk
Manuel Favilla & Natalia Maiduk
Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova
Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova
Open Professional Cabaret
Open Professional Cabaret
Clifton & Mar Sepulveda
Clifton & Mar Sepulveda
Igor Puzhevich & Tetyana Makarenko
Igor Puzhevich & Tetyana Makarenko
Open Pro Ballroom
Open Pro Ballroom
Rudy Homm & Katya Kanevskaya
Rudy Homm & Katya Kanevskaya
Florin Vlad & Natalia O’Connor
Florin Vlad & Natalia O’Connor
Luca Balestra & Krizia Balestra
Luca Balestra & Krizia Balestra
Open Pro Smooth
Open Pro Smooth
Travis & Jaimee Tuft
Travis & Jaimee Tuft
Nikolai Pilipenchuk & Sarika Hudson
Nikolai Pilipenchuk & Sarika Hudson
Dmitrii Zavialov & Arina Sokolova
Dmitrii Zavialov & Arina Sokolova
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Andre & Natalie Paramonov
Andre & Natalie Paramonov
Andrew Escolme & Amy Baker
Andrew Escolme & Amy Baker
Shandor Shtefil & Evgeniia Elcoro
Shandor Shtefil & Evgeniia Elcoro
Dave Firestein & Kennedy Eaton
Dave Firestein & Kennedy Eaton
Parley Ford & Elizabeth Thomson
Parley Ford & Elizabeth Thomson
As usual the event ended with one of organizer, Chuck Danza’s famous after-parties, something everyone always looks forward to! Next year, all being well, we hope to see the Philadelphia Dancesport Championships actually back in Philadelphia although we’re sure sunny Tampa was a nice change for our northeastern colleagues!
Going to the Mountain!
There is the old saying “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain.”
As most of you know Covid-19 has affected all business dealing with people and so it has been hard for our industry because we are a “peoples” activity and all have come to a halt in most states. Philadelphia Dancesport Championships wanted to run this year but the State of Pennsylvania was not having it, so Philadelphia moved to Tampa, FL for a weekend of sun, fun and dance. With the exception of the few weeks earlier in the pandemic Florida has never really closed down. Here in our state each city manages its own Covid-19 response, some are quite lenient others are more strict, depends where you go. So here we are at the “FloriDelphia” that also ran virtually for two days earlier in the week and now the full competition at the Hilton, Tampa Downtown.
Last night was a terrific evening of competitive dancing with all open amateur and rising star professional events taking place. The Amateur events were excellent especially the Amateur Latin where six excellent couples made the final, making this evening a fantastic finale to a full day of competitions.
Open Amateur Latin
Open Amateur Latin
Tal Livshitz & Ilana Keselman
Tal Livshitz & Ilana Keselman
Max Firestein & Nicole Renee
Max Firestein & Nicole Renee
Ron Garber & Kaludia Petriti
Ron Garber & Kaludia Petriti
Open Amateur Ballroom
Open Amateur Ballroom
Oleksandr Kalenyuk & Olena Ablitsova
Oleksandr Kalenyuk & Olena Ablitsova
There were two couples in the Amateur Open Ballroom B and this went to Xingmin & Katerina Lu.
Florin Vlad & Natalia O’Connor
Florin Vlad & Natalia O’Connor
Andriy & Amanda Besyedin
Andriy & Amanda Besyedin
Shandor Shtefil & Evgeniia Elcoro
Shandor Shtefil & Evgeniia Elcoro
Volodymyr Barabash & Yulia Rudenco
Volodymyr Barabash & Yulia Rudenco
It was also a day filled with Pro/Am competitions featuring two styles the Rhythm in the early part of the day and the Ballroom finishing up the late afternoon. Today we are seeing the Smooth and later in the afternoon the Latin leaving the Open Professional styles for this evening’s session.