It started with a quarter-final round. The Professional Rhythm was also a great addition to this evening along with the Open Amateur Latin and the Open Amateur Ballroom. And although it was quite a long evening, finishing in the early morning hours, a number of people stayed in their seats until the awards were sung!
Open Pro Ballroom
Open Pro Ballroom
Dusan Dragovic & Valeria Dragovic
Dusan Dragovic & Valeria Dragovic
Iaroslav & Lilia Bieliei
Iaroslav & Lilia Bieliei
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets-Nikishkin
Francesco Arieta & Jessa Mae Briones
Francesco Arieta & Jessa Mae Briones
Oleksiy Pigotskyy & Anastasiia Zhuchenko
Oleksiy Pigotskyy & Anastasiia Zhuchenko
Speaking of fizzling out we were quite disappointed with Kevin Ubillus & Milagros Lareto. Most people expected them further up the ladder, but from the judges’ perspective they did not push as hard - 4,4,5,4,2, leaving them holding fourth place overall. The interesting part of this final was the new inclusion of a former Latin and Showdance dancers, Ivan Kudashev & Ksenia Sokolova into this very prominent Rhythm final for the first time of their career. It was made even more interesting is the fight for fifth place between them and Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman, and it was clear that it was a major dilemma for the judges because they could not make up their mind tying them with 27 points each. A (Rule10) was used to break this tie making Ryan & Danelle fifth place recipients 5,5,6,6,5 and leaving Ivan & Ksenia with sixth place overall 6,6,4,5,6.
Bumchin Tegshjargal & Michelle Klets for us and for the judges gave a consistent performance and they were awarded fourth place in all dances in this Amateur Latin final. Fifth place went to Kevin Filipczak & Sophia Marriott, and sixth place in all was awarded to Vladimir Timofeev & Evgeniia Florinskaia.
Open Amateur Ballroom
Open Amateur Ballroom
Aleksandr Riabtsev & Mariia Oblakova
Aleksandr Riabtsev & Mariia Oblakova
The marathon daytime session was filled with the pro-am Latin divisions. Here are the results of Open Latin Scholarships.
Open A Latin Scholarship (20 entries)
1. Ran Xu & Daniel Hustiuc (1,2,2,1,1); 2. Anna Brown & Andrey Tarasov (2,1,1,2,2); 3. Irene Caredis & Francesco Bertini (3,3,3,3,3); 4. Joe Peng & Yulia Kuznetsova (4,4,4,4,4); 5. Kaylee Schwarz & Ievgenii Grytsak (6,5,5,5,5); 6. Meera Mehta & Kristijan Burazer (5,6,6,6,6).
Open B Latin Scholarship (22 entries)
1. Deborah Tipley & Paul Richardson (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Tina Broccole & Andrei Kazlouski (2,2,2,4,4 – R10); 3. Joanne Kay-Smith & Richi Lifshitz (3,3,3,2,3 – R10); 4. Lindsey Keatley & Vladislav Robatsenko (4,4,4,3,5); 5. Jacqueline Tarr & Allen Genkin (5,5,5,5,2); 6. Christina Enoch & Nikolay Voronovich (6,6,6,6,6).
Open C Latin Scholarship (25 entries)
1. Deborah Wright & Nikolay Voronovich (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Lynn Magnesen & Tomasz Lewandowski (2,2,2,2,2); 3. Nichelle Kennedy & Aleksandar Nashev (3,3,3,3,3); 4. Kimberly Bottini & Aleksandar Vukosavljevic (4,4,4,4,5); 5. Sophia D'Angelo & Vitalii Proskurin (5,5,5,5,4); 6. Marialisa DeGasperis & Stanislav Kochergin (6,6,6,6,6); 7. Peggy Yiwen Fang & Nikolai Tarasov (7,7,7,7,7).
Open S1 Latin Scholarship (14 entries)
1. Lisa Lowery & Artem Merenkov (1,1,1,1,2); 2. Robyn Shreiber & Viktor Shumylo (2,2,2,2,1); 3. Scott Magnesen & Sabrina Manzi (4,3,3,3,3); 4. Luna Viva & Kristijan Burazer (3,4,4,5,5); 5. Yee-Ping Ching & Andrey Tarasov (5,5,5,6,4); 6. Jennifer Kay & Evgeny Nazarov (6,6,6,4,6).
Open S2 Latin Scholarship (9 entries)
1. Nora Fox & Plamen Danailov (1,1,1,1); 2. Susann Tunick & Nikolay Voronovich (2,2,2,2); 3. Vy Wappel & Oleksiy Pigotskyy (5,3,3,4); 4. Alice Lekht & Igor Derimov (3,4,4,5); 5. Evelyn Lamden & Daniel Vasco (4,5,5,3); 6. Susanne Binder & Giuseppe Incatasciato (6,6,6,6).
“Lively. Radiant. Lush…… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony.”
Two years after the pandemic it is so great to be back at the Emerald Ball at its usual location, the Hilton Los Angeles Airport. So many memories have been created here, so many champions, friends and good times had. This year with over 12 thousand entries the Emerald Ball has returned to its original location and opened its door to dancers from around the USA with great events and great ballroom dancing.
Last night the featured events at the Emerald Ball were the Open Professional Smooth, the Open Professional Latin, Open Professional Theatrical Showdance, the Ballroom Spirit Under 21 Latin qualifier.
Aleksandar Vukosavljevic & Alexandra Smirnova
Aleksandar Vukosavljevic & Alexandra Smirnova
Oleksiy Pigotskyy & Anastasiia Zhuchenko
Oleksiy Pigotskyy & Anastasiia Zhuchenko
Fifth place and super thrilled to be included in the final were Tykhon & Yana Zhyvkov who took fifth in all dances. It was interesting to see how thrilled Tykhon was that he was spotted almost kissing the announcing board when they placed number 304, and as you can see they were able to capture a nice spot in this seven-couple final. Sixth place in all went to Kharyton Khomenko & Anastasiya Khomenko and in seventh place was Volodymyr Barabash & Yulia Rudenco. As you can see this was a stellar final and the audience appreciated it by rewarding all couples with huge applause.
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Pavel Zvychaynyy & Polina Teleshova
Pavel Zvychaynyy & Polina Teleshova
Mykhailo Bilopukhov & Anastasiia Shchypilina
Mykhailo Bilopukhov & Anastasiia Shchypilina
Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova
Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova
Nikita Brovko & Tatiana Seliverstova
Nikita Brovko & Tatiana Seliverstova
Open Professional Cabaret
Open Professional Cabaret
Shane & Shannon Jensen
Shane & Shannon Jensen
Craig Smith & Andrea Harvey
Craig Smith & Andrea Harvey
Third place in this theatrical heat was awarded to Travis Tuft & Jaimee Tuft, who although for us looked a little tired this evening, still managed to give a great performance to capture third place, we loved this routine and theme and had seen them do it with more gusto and had they done this they could have easily fought for top placement. A well deserving fourth place was awarded to Clifton Sepulveda & Mar Sepulveda with a new routine that was well executed. Fifth place was Zachary Pohl & Ariel Freilich, here we thought the music and the routine was excellent but the costume Ariel wore perhaps did not compliment their program. And sixth went to Nikita Zhukovskyi & Angelina Boiko.
Kevin Filipczak & Sophia Marriott
Kevin Filipczak & Sophia Marriott
U/21 Latin w/ Ballroom Spirit Directors, Vinie Miller & Karlis Treijs
U/21 Latin w/ Ballroom Spirit Directors, Vinie Miller & Karlis Treijs
Second place in this excellent final went to Maksym Rodionov & Daria Karpukhina, third was Benson Maier & Elisabeth Thompson, fourth was awarded to Artem Pukhalskyi & Veronica Rich, fifth place went to Justin Lujan & Jacqueline Pop, and sixth was Oskar Rybczynski & Zlata Zarkhin.
So far the pro-ams have completed 3 styles and below are the results of the Open Scholarships.
Open A Ballroom Scholarship (9 entries)
1. Courtney Veyrasset & Marek Klepadlo (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Natalie Rezai & Sergey Kiselev (2,2,2,2,2); 3. Agne Naujokas & Martin Reinbold (3,3,4,3,5); 4. Courtney Delmonico & Erik Pali (5,5,3,4,4 – R11); 5. Anvelyn Pi & Dan Malov (4,4,5,5,3 – R11); 6. Alina Sakura & Eugene Bubyr (6,6,6,6,6).
Open B Ballroom Scholarship (15 entries)
1. Natasha Janey & Iaroslav Bieliei (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Aleksandra Grocott & Andrii Mykhailov (2,2,2,3,4); 3. Sabrina Zagolin & Yuriy Kravets (3,3,4,2,2); 4. Dana Miller & Oreste Alitto (4,4,3,4,3); 5. Janet Simsic & Andrea Stefano (5,5,5,5,5); 6. Meredith Kaplan & Rudy Homm (7,6,6,6,7); 7. Wendy Eubank & Mikhail V Avdeev (6,7,7,7,6).
Open B Ballroom Scholarship (20 entries)
1. Jill E Bradford & Andrea Stefano (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Patricia Schneider & Oreste Alitto (2,2,2,2,2); 3. Annie Chan & Cristian Radvan (3,3,3,4); 4. Yuping Ting & Leonid Burlo (4,5,6,4,5); 5. Amy Wang & Victor Yushin (6,6,5,5,3 – R11); 6. Charlene Proctor & Andrey Begunov (5,4,4,6,6 – R11).
Open S1 Ballroom Scholarship (21 entries)
1. Llewelyn Nielsen & Oreste Alitto (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Paige Riffle & Iaroslav Bieliei (2,2,2,2,2); 3. Linda Gill & Luca Balestra (3,3,3,4,5); 4. Mike Brown & Anna Oblakova (4,5,4,3,4); 5. Linda Dillman & Igor Gayenko (5,4,5,5,3); 6. Patty Yu & Valeriu Ursache (6,6,6,6,6).
Open S2 Ballroom Scholarship (10 entries)
1. Monica Lin & Radu Sterban (1,1,1,1); 2. Charlotte Carey & Andrii Mykhailov (2,2,2,2); 3. Maryann Nichols & Mirko Spano (4,4,3,3); 4. Barbara Grossman & Daniel Buhala (3,3,5,7 – R10); 5. Vy Wappel & Oleksiy Pigotskyy (5,5,4,4 – R10); 6. Song Chen & Mikhail V Avdeev (6,6,7,6 – R10); 7. Cathy Chao & Serhiy Averkov (7,7,6,5 – R10).
Open A Smooth Scholarship (8 entries)
1. Lula Callaway & Sergey Barsukov (1,1,1,1); 2. Morgan Wissel & Igor Dogoter (2,2,2,2); Alina Sakura & Adrian Dydynski (3,3,3,3); 4. Diane LaVecchia & Paolo Di Lorenzo (4,4,4,6); Zlata Clark & Kyle Spinder (5,5,5,4); 6. Rebecca Smart & Balint Temesvari (6,6,6,5); 7. Andrew Frame & Tatiana Seliverstova (8,7,7,7); 8. Arun Garg & Joseph Lettig (7,8,8,8).
Open B Smooth Scholarship (22 entries)
1. Celia Chow & Erminio Stefano (1,1,1,1); 2. Patricia Schneider & Slawek Sochacki (2,3,2,2); Olivia Whiteside & Sergey Barsukov (4,5,4,4); 5. Selene Steelman & Travis Tuft (5,4,5,5); 6. Zlata Clark & Kyle Spinder (6,6,6,6).
Open C Smooth Scholarship (24 entries)
1. Sophia D'Angelo & Max Sinitsa (2,1,1,2 – R11); 2. Patricia Schneider & Slawek Sochacki (1,2,2,1 – R11); 3. Nichelle Kennedy & Aleksandar Nashev (3,3,3,3); 4. Inez Inserra & Mayo Alanen (4,4,5,4); 5. Joanne Tatem & Mariusz Zakrzewski (5,5,4,5); 6. Careen Friedland & Nick Cheremukhin (6,6,6,6).
Open S1 Smooth Scholarship (22 entries)
1. Simona Bebi & Nazar Norov (1,1,1,2); 2. Michelle Kirby & Radoslaw Wiatrowski (5,2,2,1); 3. Marguerite Pinard & Ilya Reyzin (2,3,6,3); 4. Lisa Lowery & Artem Merenkov (4,4,3,4); 5. Llewelyn Nielsen & Slawek Sochacki (6,5,4,5 – R10); 6. Helena Kostik & Nikolai Pilipenchuk (3,6,5,6 – R10).
Open S2 Smooth Scholarship (13 entries)
1. Connie Caruso & Kamil Urbaniak (1,1,1,1); 2. Lesley Brookman & Sergey Barsukov (3,2,3,2 – R11); 3. Janet Bruttell & Dmitrii Zavialov (2,3,2,3 – R11); 4. Susan Scott & Shane Jensen (5,4,4,5); 5. Karen Scott & Vladimir Kosarev (7,6,5,4 – R11); 6. Vonnie Lowman & Jim Maranto (4,5,6,7 – R11); 7. Willie Grana & Yuliya Besarab (6,7,7,6).
Open A Rhythm Scholarship (4 entries)
1. Lula Callaway & Nazar Norov (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Brittan Eliezer & Sergiy Samchynskyy (2,2,2,2); 3. Sienna Mae Larson & Nicolas Rodriguez (3,3,3,3,3); 4. Anjel Ortega & Oxana Kashkina (4,4,4,4,4).
Open B Rhythm Scholarship (7 entries)
1. Michael Butler & Oxana Kashkina (1,2,1,1,1); 2. Mariana Boneo & Vladimir Kosarev (2,1,2,2,2); 3. Natalia Zavodchikov & Dmitry Demidov (3,3,3,3,3); 4. Laura Paoletti & Roman Drobotov (4,4,4,4,4); 5. Suanne Summers & Daniel Vasco (5,5,6,6,5); 6. Colleen Herskovits & James Williard (6,6,5,5,6); 7. Angel Brown & Igor Ustymovych (7,7,7,7,7).
Open C Rhythm Scholarship (11 entries)
1. Lynn Magnesen & Tomasz Lewandowski (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Nichelle Kennedy & Aleksandar Nashev (2,2,3,2,3); 3. Marguerite Pinard & Ilya Reyzin (3,3,2,3,2); 4. Natalia Zavodchikov & Dmitry Demidov (4,4,4,5,5); 5. Angela Morrison & Evgeny Dyachenko (5,5,5,4,6); 6. Krista Hughes & Tykhon Zhyvkov (6,6,6,6,4).
Open S1 Rhythm Championship (14 entries)
1. Marguerite Pinard & Ilya Reyzin (1,1,1,1,1); 2. Lisa Lowery & Artem Merenkov (2,2,2,2,2); 3. Karen McDougall & Evgeny Dyachenko (3,4,4,4,3); 4. Sandra MacCarron & Michael Neil (4,3,6,5,4); 5. Scott Magnesen & Sabrina Manzi (8,8,3,3,5); 6. Judith Spivey & Oleksii Zhylenko (5,6,5,7,6); 7. Mimi Feliciano & Ivan Kudashev (7,7,7,6,7); 8. Debbie Clyne & Jeremy Gatlin (6,5,8,8,8).
Open S2 Rhythm Scholarship (7 entries)
1. Karen Scott & Vladimir Kosarev (1,1,2,2 – R11); 2. Janet Bruttell & Dmitrii Zavialov (2,2,1,1 – R11); 3. Evelyn Lamden & Daniel Vasco (3,3,3,3); 4. Andrea Wishnow & Nikolay Voronovich (4,4,4,4); 5. Nadine Kawaguchi & Dmitry Nikolaev (5,5,5,5); 6. Diane Schuman & Gunnar Sverrisson (6,6,6,7); 7. William Landers & Yanna Samkova (7,7,7,6).