The ballroom as always was impeccable and beautifully decorated and the food as well as many of the performances were out of this world! Great job by the organizing team, the weather was magnificent and so if you were not in the ballroom you were at the magnificent pool of the Ritz Carlton. This weekend was filled with fun and excitement so in fact it was a Crown fit for all.
Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova
Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova
Ron Garber & Klaudia Petriti
Ron Garber & Klaudia Petriti
Fourth place was awarded to Anastasia Hrynnyk & Malachi Osai they were fourth in all dances; fifth went to Anna Melnyk &Roman Melnyk 6.5.5,5,5,5, Camila Rojas & Artur Shvetsov placed sixth overall 5,5.5,6,6,6, and Sandra Lungu & Dmytro Roshchupkin were seventh in all dances.
The Mary Gill Challenge at the very end of the competition was also something worth staying for the winners of all the styles were invited to compete and they did brilliantly. The only couple to not take part was Manuel Faviilla & Natalia Maidiuk, who just before the event started announced an injury while they were competing earlier in the Open Latin and decided not to compete for the top honors.
Stanislav Morozov & Kseniia Tashkinova
Stanislav Morozov & Kseniia Tashkinova
Luca Balestra & Krizia Balestra
Luca Balestra & Krizia Balestra
The Crown Jewell is one of the few competitions in today’s schedule that offers a “banquet” night. This one started with a classical duo playing while guests enjoyed the passed champagne and continued with a fabulous banquet meal in the ballroom. Congratulations to organizers – Gherman Mustuc and Iveta Lukasuite!