For us it was freezing outside where you could almost feel it inside the common areas of the Hilton Hotel. But lucky for us we were all reunited for the North American inside the ballroom where it was steaming hot with great dancing and fun times, from Pro/Am to professional dancing and in between.
On this evening we enjoyed Aleksandar & Alexandra quite a lot, their performances are always interesting to watch with some unique perspective in their interpretation of the four dances and this we truly enjoy and admire; however, last night’s performance at times lacked the clarity of technical movement in some of their risk-taking transitions. On this performance this made them fall a little behind Travis & Jaimie who for many of us were perfectly, technically sound. We love Aleksandar & Alexandra’s approach to the style and we think this could easily push them to the top, but it has to be done to perfection. You can see by some of their marks the judges are struggling to understand their unique style and interpretation. We don’t see how, but in the waltz they got 5 thirds, in their tango that for us is their best dance they were awarded 3 first but they also got three 3rds and a 5th. Their foxtrot got one first, three thirds and a fifth, and in their Viennese they go three thirds, a fourth and a fifth. We have to say that in the not so recent past we have seen a better performance, one that could have easily won over Travis & Jaime, but this was not it!
Aleksandar Vukosavljevic & Alexandra Smirnova
Aleksandar Vukosavljevic & Alexandra Smirnova
Tykhon Zhyvkov & Yana Zhyvkov
Tykhon Zhyvkov & Yana Zhyvkov
Kharyton & Anastasiya Khomenko placed fourth in all dances but for us on this outing they could have easily been fifth. Their usual soft carefree approach for us was not there, instead we got some well executed routines and for that we have Tykhon &Yana with a stronger technical merit. Fifth were Volodymyr Barabash & Yulia Rudenco, this is perhaps the couple to keep an eye on. Their programs are excellent, at the moment they lack an emotional connection to fully place them as a unit, but they are getting there. In sixth place were Vladyslav & Brianna Nalyvaychuk. We were happy for them to be there and so were they. This was a final that was totally worth being on either end of the scale. As far as their performance it was good, for us there were quite a few couples that could have easily taken their place in their final but we were happy to see them there.
Looking at the finalists we noticed most of them are married couples, is this better for success or not? In the past couples had to hitch up in order to be taken seriously. Many couples are now no longer married with some even choosing a different gender to love. We like an emotional attachment to dance, is this more convincing when you share a last name? This questions will always be there and for us it’s interesting to ponder.
Since we are talking about the American Style dances, let’s go to the Open Professional Rhythm and see how it fared in comparison. We hate to report that yes there were a few excellent players but the majority of the final was in hibernation. Perhaps next year we will get a firmer group and not just some. The winners overall were Gene Bersten & Elena Bersten by winning 4 dances and placing second in the mambo. Gene & Elena up to recently have been quite popular in this field, their contagious smile and great nature on the floor as well as their quality of dancing has placed them quite high, but as of late and in looking at the marks from yesterday, we can see that many of the judges are looking somewhere else. I n the chacha for example Gene & Elena had to depend on seconds or better marks in order to win, they were only awarded 5 firsts out of 15 judges. And who got the most firsts in this dance? Their challengers Roger Romero & Arismel Naya they were awarded 6 firsts from the judges, had they gotten a few more seconds they might have won this dance.
Open Pro Rhythm
Open Pro Rhythm
Gene & Elena Bersten
Gene & Elena Bersten
Roger Romero & Arismel Naya
Roger Romero & Arismel Naya
Dymytrii Goncharov & Veronika Shapar
Dymytrii Goncharov & Veronika Shapar
As we mentioned, for us the clear winners although a little flat footed at times were Roger & Arismel, but for now they took second overall. The couple that cannot be discounted in this final were Dymytrii Goncharov & Veronika Shapar who placed third in all dances. Dymytrii & Veronika also stole firsts in all dances but the mambo and the rumba. I think Dymytrii & Veronika has some clear dancing but have a hard time characterizing every dance. Alexey Smirnov & Daria Smirnova placed fourth and here also we too have a good clean performance. For them to get ahead they need a little more confidence and impact in what they are doing. Renzo & Andrea Zegarra took fifth, with clean work but the partnership has to be balanced physically and technically, and 6th went to Slava & Kristin Polubneva.
Open Pro Cabaret
Open Pro Cabaret
Zachary Pohl & Ariel Freilich
Zachary Pohl & Ariel Freilich
Andrey Kitsun & Nicole Prosser
Andrey Kitsun & Nicole Prosser
Jay Holmes & Andrea Rupley
Jay Holmes & Andrea Rupley
Open Pro Ballroom
Open Pro Ballroom
Valerio Colontoni & Anna Demidova
Valerio Colontoni & Anna Demidova
Radu Sterban & Xenia Cletova
Radu Sterban & Xenia Cletova
Igor & Valeriia Mikushov
Igor & Valeriia Mikushov
Open Pro Latin
Open Pro Latin
Andriy & Amanda Besyedin
Andriy & Amanda Besyedin
Sasha Porozov & Arina Sokolova
Sasha Porozov & Arina Sokolova
Open Amateur Ballroom
Open Amateur Ballroom
Roman Shchochka & Marta Tyutyunnyk
Roman Shchochka & Marta Tyutyunnyk
The organizer of The North American Championships once again this year was multi-time World & US Champion, Katusha Demidova