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New York Dance Festival

7th Time for Arunas in Vilnius
2014 was the 7th annual Vilnius Dance Festival, organized by US and World WDC Ballroom Champion, Arunas Bizokas, in his native Lithuania. Amazingly this event starts just one day after Blackpool finishes and of course, Arunas & Katusha won the Professional Ballroom at Blackpool again this year.
The thought of organizing an event just 1 day after such an amazingly stressful competition is daunting, but just as in his dancing, Arunas seems to take it all in stride. Not only is he the organizer he and Katusha also are the featured performers.

This year we saw competitors in WDC AL Amateur divisions, pro-am competitions, and hobby divisions with competitors from far afield – Australia, Canada, USA, Lebanon, Israel and a host of European countries. Judges hailed from Asia, Europe and North America.

The competition takes place in the Radisson Blue Hotel, right on the river in the charming and historical city of Vilnius. The after party in the spectacular Space Bar atop the hotel with panoramic windows is always a treat.
Watch out for a full report and photos in the members’ section soon. And there will be some surprises - (eg. Katusha Demidova competed in the pro-am!)