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The Power of Beauty by Boyko
Golden finish for the Star Tours!
There was a golden finish for the Star International Latin Tour and in particular, the Star American Smooth Tour at the City Lights Open the official competition and sponsor of the Star Tours.
I could say I started dancing as a child when my next door neighbor Billy and I tried to Jitterbug in my living room to music from a TV commercial, or maybe when in my teens when my brother’s crowd came over for a party in our row home basement but the girls were mad at the boys.
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The Last Leg!
The Nashville Starz was the host competition for the last leg of the Star American Smooth Tour, where one of the couples will take $25,000.00 and there are prizes down to 12th place with a total of close to $60.000.00.
Champions quit at Snow Ball!
World and US Professional Smooth Champions Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija, stopped their run to conquer the Star American Smooth Tour.
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And a merry Christmas to all!
And so the Holiday Classic, for many the last competition of 2016, came to an end Sunday night with two spectacular professional divisions – the Latin and Smooth.
Retirement is wonderful if you have two essentials: many memories to cherish and much to give forward.