I would like to share the opportunity to support our Michigan wheelchair family with the Dance World. Fred Astaire and Rehab Institute of Michigan have created an event on 9/23/17 as a fund raiser with Dancing With Our Stars, who are all active professionals in the Rehab World, dancing with Fred Astaire Instructors, all trying to win first place.
The look of joy on my patient’s faces when they experience the new sensation of moving to music is absolutely priceless. Can you just imagine how my one arm, one legged gentleman feels when he can actually dance with his wife? This is a freedom many patients never imagined in their wildest hopes.
Giving to such a great cause and knowing how happy you are making another person feel is the greatest reward ever! I truly feel that when I give this opportunity, I am gaining more than the recipient.
I truly feel that what goes around, comes around. Please join me in this very worthwhile endeavor.
To vote, you can either go on line http://www.regonline.com/DWOS17 and vote for me, or call Katie Spillane with RIM (313-418-5908) and she will take your credit card information over the phone, or mail a check to RIM Foundation at 261 Mack Avenue, Suite 509, Detroit, Michigan 48201. Please write my name at the bottom of the check.
Thank you for your warm hearts and loving concerns. Misha and I will do our very best for this great cause!!
Kay Ford